North Korea’s intensified military activities must be viewed in the broader context of its domestic and foreign policy. The country’s current policies have their roots in the failed US-North Korea…
In recent years, economic relations between the United States and China have become increasingly strained due to a range of issues, including concerns over human rights violations and political tensions.
In international relations, cities occupy a rich focal point of migration, economic activities, and other distinctive urbanized social formations. The work of Professor AbdouMaliq Simone asks us to reevaluate…
India is regarded as the “weak” link in the Quad—an informal strategic group with a focus on the Indo-Pacific region—largely because its policy actions (reluctance to embrace traditional security issues…
Recent trends in Sino-American relations can be explained through the framework of threat perception. However, we should view threat perception through a hybrid of rationalist and non-rationalist components to explain…
Ethnonationalism is a strong force in Korean society, and the South Korean state has pursued an active diasporic engagement policy based on this principle. Nevertheless, co-ethnic return migrants from less-developed…
Chinese strategists face an economic security problem in the Malacca Dilemma, describing the threat of a naval blockade of vital Chinese sea lines of communication in the Indian Ocean. It…
As decisive pillars of the national economy, Chinese State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) have been seeking to help the country meet its carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals since the government announced…
The United States shares historical ties and fundamental principles with the Pacific islands. While increased US attention on the Pacific Islands is welcomed, US credibility, as well as America’s preeminent…
The paper examines the proliferation of Chinese surveillance tools. It seeks to point out how supply and demand factors result in the proliferation of public security platforms. With special attention…