Shop the Entire Current Issue- The Integration of Regions || Return to The Integration of Regions index “He maintains that even if the majority of Iranians…
The Korean Peninsula seems to have calmed down after months of heated tension among all parties involved. Indeed, recent events may suggest that neither Korean state is willing to risk…
Two Fridays ago, both Seoul and Washington extended an olive branch to Kim Jŏng-ŭn. During Secretary of State John Kerry’s meeting with his South Korean counter-part, Yun Byung-se on…
As the crisis in Syria continues to escalate, GJIA offers views of different possible responses to the crisis. Below, Lea Khoury offers her view on how the international community should…
Relations between the United States and the Republic of Sudan have reached their nadir. The United States cut formal diplomatic ties with Sudan nearly 30 years ago and sincere efforts…