More than halfway through the current UK coalition government’s mandate, it is safe to say that the government’s foreign policy is projecting the Conservatives perspective with an overwhelming absence of…
The recent warning of an impending North Korean nuclear test likely stifled any cautious optimism felt in Tokyo after the reconciliatory tone of Kim Jong Un’s New Year’s…
On January 29, the U.S. Senate confirmed Sen. John Kerry as Secretary of State, the seat that Hillary Clinton will vacate this year. During the confirmation process, Kerry made some…
GJIA recently sat down with Georgetown Professor and former National Security Council Director, Dr. Michael Green, to discuss recent developments in Burma. GJIA: Burma has recently undertaken a series of…
Former U.S. Ambassador James Keith recently sat down with the Georgetown Journal of International Affairs to discuss China’s leadership transition and U.S. policy towards China. GJIA: China will be undergoing…
On February 16, former Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Chester Crocker sat down with Kenneth Anderson, one of his Georgetown students, to discuss the Reagan administration’s policy of…
Representative Ron Paul bases his foreign policy stance on the idea that we must imagine how our adversaries perceive American actions. In a campaign advertisement, a super PAC tied…
Despite the centrality of economic issues in voters’ minds, foreign policy has surprisingly played a prominent role in a number of Republican debates. But what makes this election’s foreign policy…
Read Smith’s Original Piece “The Hard Road Back to Soft Power” In the Winter/Spring 2007 edition of GJIA Pamela Hyde Smith, former US ambassador to Moldova, argues in “The Hard…
The Journal sat down with Senator Chuck Hagel to ask him a few questions about how his experience in the public and private sector has influenced his foreign policy…