Shop the Entire Current Issue- The Integration of Regions || Return to The Integration of Regions index “The preoccupation with non-intervention rendered ASEAN hostile terrain for any…
Shop the Entire Current Issue- The Future of Energy || Return to The Future of Energy index “Hypocrisy is not a long-term solution…” “ElBaradei’s leadership…
Shop the Entire Current Issue- The Future of Energy || Return to The Future of Energy index “Many of these systems are based on technology exported from…
In September 2007, employees of Blackwater, a private security firm, killed 17 unarmed civilians and wounded dozens more in Nisour Square, Iraq while accompanying a State Department convoy. The incident provoked…
Shop the Entire Special Issue- International Engagement on Cyber: 2012 || Return to International Engagement on Cyber: 2012 index “Private sector actions should…
In the wake of major launch successes for emerging spacefaring nations such as Iran, North Korea, and South Korea, the international community must consider what it means…
In a recent article, David Wood expresses concern over the start of a drone arms race, with China’s People’s Liberation Army beginning to adopt drone technology and Iran possibly…
Former Soviet prisoner and refusenik Natan Sharansky, Burmese human rights activist Aung San Suu Kyi, and Iranian Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani are some of the many people across the globe who…
GJIA recently sat down with Georgetown University Professor Dr. Charles Kupchan to discuss how he sees global power shifting in the coming decades and how the United States should adjust…
Former U.S. Ambassador James Keith recently sat down with the Georgetown Journal of International Affairs to discuss China’s leadership transition and U.S. policy towards China. GJIA: China will be undergoing…