On March 25th, 2021, the Georgetown Journal of International Affairs sat down with Dr. Yasmine Farouk, a visiting fellow of the Middle East Program at the Carnegie Endowment…
COVID-19 is just one of many factors animating the Biden administration’s climate agenda. Through the fulcrum of climate action, the Biden administration wants to satisfy its political base, re-industrialize America,…
In light of the storming of the Capitol on January 6, 2021 in tandem with the rise in hate crimes against Black, indigenous, and people of color, Professor…
Energy transitions will materially affect US foreign policy in the Middle East. They will spur a Middle Eastern pivot to Asia in search of oil demand security and…
The SolarWinds and Microsoft Exchange hacks highlight serious problems with cybersecurity in the United States. The hacks also expose geopolitical and ideological challenges for US approaches to cybersecurity and cyberspace.
Six years after all combat positions were opened to women, the legality of a male-only draft registration awaits a potential Supreme Court review. Beyond this existing institutional constraint, a number…
As the United States grapples with the aftermath of the Capitol riots, Dr. Daniel Byman, Professor at the Georgetown University School of Foreign Service, joined GJIA on February…
Election observers are a crucial mechanism for transparency in the electoral process and can play a key role in electoral reform. In the United States, election observers’ findings can be…
Joseph R. Biden frequently references his Irish roots. Now, as the 46th President of the United States, he inherits an historic transnational relationship with Ireland that is far more than…
COVID-19 has illuminated systemic racism as a public health crisis in the United States. In the wake of a national conversation to undo a legacy of racial injustice, there is…