Big Tech is in the news. At the center of our political and economic dialogue is the effect that Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google have on our lives and what,…
In the presidential debates, American voters have heard Democratic candidates almost unanimously call for the breakup of Facebook, with Senator Elizabeth Warren leading the charge. Only Andrew Yang has taken…
This article is adapted in part from written testimony the author submitted to the Joint Committee on the National Security Strategy of the Parliament of the United Kingdom. The…
On October 16th, Georgetown hosted journalist Franklin Foer for the Core Pathways event “A World Without Mind.” GJIA sat down with Mr. Foer to discuss big technology as it relates…
For many in Myanmar the internet begins and ends with their Facebook newsfeeds. The New York Times reported that Facebook was used to spread hate speech and misinformation…
After three decades of widespread development in digital technologies and telecommunications, it has become evident that cybersecurity cannot be adequately ensured by the market’s “invisible hand.” Cybersecurity market failures call…
Science diplomacy is an emblematic example of a wider movement; the purview of diplomatic practice has expanded beyond politics, now encompassing diverse arenas from economics to environmental regulation. Though science…
We in the United States have long held one narrative of the Middle East—one of political instability, sectarian unrest, and oligarchs protecting great wealth in the hands of way too…
Shop the Entire Current Issue- The Future of Energy || Return to The Future of Energy index “Many of these systems are based on technology exported from…