Business & Economics
Business & Economics is a forum for scholars and practitioners on the ever-evolving landscape of international commerce, global markets and economic diplomacy. We seek incisive analyses and discussions that dissect current economic events, drive new insights and forecast emerging trends on trade dynamics, financial regulation, and the nexus of business with geopolitical forces.
Recent Articles

In November 2020, Zambia defaulted on its international debt, the first African country to do so since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. This article criticizes the IMF’s attribution of…
Emerging Technology

The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly accelerated the digitization of Southeast Asian economies and presented promising opportunities in the e-commerce sector. Having a good digital identity…

Green Economies & Finance

In July 2022, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) announced that it was auctioning indefinite leases for oil and gas exploration. In total, the parcels cover over 800,000 square kilometers…