Human Rights & Development
Human Rights & Development examines the interplay between the closely-entwined objectives of economic advancement and human welfare. With a particular focus on promoting human dignity, we seek to illuminate the challenges that states, communities, and international organizations face when combating global problems, such as underdevelopment, climate change, racial discrimination, and gender inequality.
Recent Articles

The Kafala system, a temporary labor migration framework in the Levant and Gulf, links migrant workers’ residency to their employers, creating a stark power imbalance that leaves workers highly vulnerable…

Conflict & Violence

The unresolved conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh and the continued threat of renewed large-scale war have shifted the focus from domestic to externally conditioned human rights issues in the South Caucasus. Observance…

Minority Groups

From the satanism scare of the 1980s and 1990s to the contemporary myth of White genocide, White South African culture seems to be particularly prone to moral panics. This article…

Women & Girls

Laws and regulations encourage institutionalized gender discrimination and inequality in Iran, ranging from differences in teaching boys and girls to extreme cases such as honor killings. This piece discusses how…